Thursday, August 30, 2007


i have a very interesting driving instructor. damn funny and real. haha.

so anyway my dad took halfday off work again so the whole family went vivo. had our usual smashing fun and as my poor brother cant eat due to excruciating agony caused by his teeth (blame the process of installing braces), i ate everything up on his behalf.

and i think its very noble of me to do so because the extra pounds will go to all the wrong places. and judging from my current lifestyle, i think they will stay there for quite awhile too.

haha. i'm actually quite serious about that.

my photos from France are neither consolidated nor are they developed yet. the luggage is not even unpacked properly lah! bits of stuff still left inside waiting to be emptied out and stash. with strong belief in my ability to procrastinate without guilt, i think they will only be put away when i have another holiday trip which requires that bag.

so blame my parents. really, its their fault. ha!

how i wish money really grow on trees..


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


on sunday evening i bought the whole series of prisonbreakII.

like a few hours back after an intensive marathon, i've completed the whole series. now i cant wait for the third season.

i cant wait for 99bucks to drop on my lap so that i can buy onetreehill season 3 too. haha.

ytd night i stayed over at km and just kept munching away on whatever that is available. i'm not gonna stay over there again man. its gonna do alot of damage on my pocket because i'll hafta upsize my wardrobe and all.


so now i need a job, and i need a healthy life as well.

hello worth-its, lets go out soon.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


i think i must start going back to church with the same amount of faith that i had a few years back. haha.

i'm happy that this week is almost coming to an end. it is one of the worst week ever. i got so sick my fever reached 39.3 and it made me hallucinated. very scary.

am better now. thanks mom. (:

and i hope sean wins in soccer. that poor bitch needs it.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


i'm not really the patriotic person anyone would love to get acquainted with to discuss about the national situation, but i love my country.

i'd rather do without long speeches though. especially when they take up so much tv time!

so now i'm watching FRIENDS again. haha.

and i'm like terribly sick.

haha. it looks set to be an awesome week ahead already.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


it feels good to know that there is actually nobody you can count on in this world to do what seems perfect in your own life. okay that sounds harsh. there are actually those few that tries, but their ability only applies to certain issues as they have their own limitations. and tolerance.

its because humans, being selfish, are rarely the selfless individuals we perceive them to be. people do let each other down once or many times in life. those intentional ones are sad, those who do it unintentionally and unknowingly are tragic.

but pity the fool who let others do letdowns upon them. time and time again.

its funny how one forgets beliefs they used to uphold when placed in a prime position for 'attack'. if someone tells you they dislike the fact that so-and-so is doing whatever in retaliation to whatever circumstances they might be in, dont ever make the mistake of buying into their story wholeheartedly.

for all you know, it might just bite you right back.

ha. but all is well. because whatever that doesn't kill me, only serves to make me stronger. and better.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


after months of bumming around, laying low and away from the life that humans only recognize as correct, opportunities are starting to present themselves to me again. they are not exactly conventionally sculpted, but its better than nothing.

the thing is, i'm too lazy to pick it up.

haha. i can't wait for september. i can't wait for that stupid paper. thats the thing about Singapore, everything is by the book. not that i dont appreciate the safe environment that the government has provided for us all, i'm just saying that flexibility isnt invented as a word without meaning and a purpose.

oh and i've been eating alot lately. i've spent close to a thousand already and thats why i needa go to work. no money for bread. no money to go for my vroomvroomthingy.

and the irony of it all is ; money is the root to all evil but yet we cant live without it.

i'm not happy about being deprived of the barter trade era man.

Monday, August 06, 2007


today was spent galavanting around the whole most uninhibited and un-frequented part of "town". stylo already.

maybe it was chance but i found a cd by this female Japanese singer who does awesome cover versions of awesome songs. i bought it because i'm weak and i couldnt resist not doing so. and haha its greeeaaaaaaaaaat !

like seriously. soothing and all. go patronise.

i feel like i havent seen my parents for the past few days. i'm gonna be nice and just stay at home. that'd save me alot of money.

and with that money i can go buy my "one tree hill season3". it is freaking out already!


okay goodnight.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


i woke up at 10 cos the aircon man came again. he left at 1010 and i went back to sleep after. ha.

these few nights have been fun. on tuesday it was spent roaming the streets. mm and i walked from tanjong pagar till chijmes and in btwn we had drinks at coffee club and basically just spent a whole lot of money. fun.

on wednesday i met up the rest and we had our dinner at the punggol nasi lemak place and then mcflurry from kovan's macs. we even bought the (fake) disney monopoly and just talked and talked about stuff. fun also.

today is also gonna be just as fun. haha.

aiight, good day.